Hyeonsu Kim 김현수
Email: skykhs3@naver.com
Linkedin: default
1. Work Experience
Backend Developer / Club Vegas Studio server
February 2024 ~ August 2024
Expressjs, NestJS
2. Organization
3. Education
4. Projects
New Ara
This is the official community app for KAIST students.
Role and Responsibilities:I participated as an app developer using Flutter, collaborating with another team member to handle all aspects of the process, from planning to deployment.
Technologies I Used:
5. Awards
- Gold Medal in the 2016 Korea Olympiad in Informatics (High School Division Final Round)
- Bronze Medal in the 1st Nexon Youth Programming Challenge (NYPC 2016)
6. Certifications
- TOEFL 83 (December 16, 2023)
- TOEIC Speaking Test Intermediate Mid 2 (Speaking Score 120) (Sep 8, 2024)
7. Tech Stack
- Flutter - Upper Intermediate
- Express.js - Upper Intermediate
- C++ - Upper Intermediate
- NestJS - Intermediate
- React - Intermediate
- Next.js - Intermediate
- Tailwind CSS - Intermediate
- Django - Begineer
- Unity - Beginner
- AWS - Beginner
8. Activities Outside of Academics
YouTube Content

9. Military Service
Republic of Korea Air Force
February 2021 ~ January 2023
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.